brand oversite, just a text away With a fractional Chief creative officer

Business leaders often face many decisions that impact their brand and its creative direction. However, due to time and resource constraints, branding may not always be addressed effectively and promptly. With branding leading all of the efforts involved in marketing and advertising, someone needs to be focused on brand. One of our fractional Chief Creative Officers can manage your brand, coordinate campaigns, track communication trends, and more. With a simple monthly rate, the business can access experienced brand and creative leadership and a team of designers, developers, and vendors at your fingertips. Our focus is on your brand and messaging. Working closely with your team, we strengthen visual brand recognition, boost loyalty, and ensure effective message delivery. This includes regular brand reviews, developing a standards guide, maintaining assets, and keeping open communication channels. It all starts with a discussion about the business and its goals. 

how does an audience relate to a business? branding.

The common assumption is that a logo is a brand. In reality, it is the signature of a brand. Branding encompasses all the messaging and emotional connections a business makes with its customer base. Branding issues are evident when the wrong customers walk through the door or expect the wrong product. Another sign is slow sales or lack of engagement with the business. Intentional Creative reviews your brand and makes the corrections needed to increase recognition with the correct audience.

We can also help when a business launches a new product or service. Pairing that relationally with the parent brand helps increase recognition immediately.

Getting started is simple with a brand review. From there, we help you manage your brand across all communication channels. 

all things digital

The most universal way to communicate is digitally. Balancing your website, social media, digital advertising, email, and various platforms becomes a time-consuming chore. The challenge is that each channel works differently, and they feed off of each other. The design is essential to getting the audience to recognize and engage with the content. The elements must be highly intentional to work in the various sizes, expecially the smaller graphics. 

a conversation in the brand: campaigns

Whether it’s a holiday push, a limited-time offer or refocusing awareness, campaigns are the conversations inside your brand. Each campaign has a bit of it’s own identity but maintains the brand look, feel and voice. Each campaign is crafted within the brand standards. They are built to engage as many senses as possible with repetition to get positive results. As a business gets ready to launch a new campaign, solidifying that message with consistency and intentional branding creates memorable experiences that leave audiences wanting more.

when print is relevant to the brand

The world of print has become much smaller with the evolution of digital communications. However, there are still areas where intentional print (collateral) pieces make a positive impact on your business. When doing print pieces, intentional choices of size, materials, and printing techniques reflect directly on the brand and effectiveness of the effort. When print is the answer, our team helps you get the most out of your effort with pieces that are memorable and can be worthy of keeping.

experience the brand outside the world of business: promotional

Promotional items can be an excellent way to level up customer experience. Just like with all the branding choices, the product choice should be chosen intentionally. Having the customer base see enough value in it to keep the item or pass it on helps keep the brand top of mind. Furthermore, the product itself should reflect the particular product or service associated with the business. This will keep the brand present in the space when the product or services are needed.